1. File Format:
2. Modifications:
3. Understand Mechanical Forces:
2. Firmware Check:
2. Maintenance Check:
3. Build Plate Preparation:
4. Preheat the Printer:
1. Drying Time:
Plan ahead for drying time based on your print schedule. For example, bake PEEK at 90°C for 4-5 hours and then cool in a vacuum chamber for 1-2 hours.
High Temp materials are very hygroscopic, they can absorb moisture from the air is as low as 10 minutes.
2. Loading Filament:
1. Use Latest Slicer Version and Machine Configurations:
Download the latest version of Slicer.
Download and install the latest version of slicer configuration for your 22 IDEX.
2. Load the File:
3. Layer Optimization:
4. Support Structures:
5. Print Settings:
Adjust settings such as temperatures, print speed, layer height, and infill percentage based on your material and part requirements.
For advanced materials above CF-Nylon, use the high-temp profile.
Add brims, lily pads, or mouse ears if needed for better adhesion if needed.
1. Verify Machine Readiness:
Verify that the machine is at the correct temperature and the build plate is properly heated.
Load the filament, ensuring it is extruding properly and the nozzles are clean.
Check for bubbles or excessive oozing, which may indicate improperly dried filament.
2. First Layer Check:
Start the print, monitor the entire first layer, and adjust the Z-offset during the skirt or brim printing if necessary.
Examine the first layer closely, ensuring lines are touching correctly and not smushing or separating.
Proceed with the print only if the first layer is perfect.
1. Regular Checks:
2. Ongoing Monitoring:
1. Cooling:
If using a carbon build plate: Allow the print to cool down completely before attempting to remove it from the build plate to avoid damage.
If using a glass build plate: Remove the print immediately from the hot build plate to avoid damage.
Do not turn off the machine while nozzles or chamber are above 60° C.
2. Inspection:
1. Filament Storage:
2. Machine Cleanup:
Environment Control: Ensure the printing environment is stable in temperature and free from drafts to avoid print defects.
Routine Maintenance: Regularly check for firmware updates and perform routine maintenance to keep the machine in optimal condition.
Documentation: Keep detailed records of your prints, including settings and outcomes, to refine your process and achieve consistent results.